(800) 570-1810

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(800) 570-1810

Available 24/7 and Obligation Free

What is the Fine for First Offense DWI?

first time dwi fine

Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) is a serious offense with significant legal consequences. For first-time offenders, understanding the fines and penalties is crucial to comprehend the gravity of the situation and to prepare for the legal repercussions. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the fines and penalties associated with a first offense DWI, specifically focusing on individuals […]

What is the Difference Between a DWI and a DWAI?

differences between dwi and dwai

First, let’s start with the acronyms. “DWI” stands for Driving While Intoxicated, while “DWAI” stands for Driving While Ability Impaired. There are essential differences between these charges, which you should know and understand if you have been charged. Generally speaking, any impaired driving charge requires the prosecution to prove four (4) elements beyond a reasonable […]

New York DWI: Second Conviction

DWI Team New York DWI Second Conviction

New York DWI: Second Conviction If charged with a second driving while intoxicated (DWI) offense within ten years of the first misdemeanor, the driver faces Class E felony penalties. The mandatory fine starts at $1,000 and can run up to $5,000. There is a minimum one-year license revocation, but an ignition interlock and alcohol assessment […]

Penalties for Piloting Under Influence

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Penalties for Piloting Under Influence Pilots are expected to be aware of all the laws concerning flying under the influence and are subject to severe penalties for transgressions. In addition to state and federal laws concerning alcohol consumption and flying, pilots also have to follow Federal Aviation Regulations as determined by the Federal Aviation Administration […]

Piloting an Aircraft Under the Influence

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Piloting an Aircraft Under the Influence Piloting an aircraft under the influence of drugs or alcohol is an illegal and very dangerous activity. Many of the laws that apply to driving under the influence also apply to flying under the influence (FUI). In addition to state and federal laws concerning alcohol consumption and flying, pilots […]

New York DWI Third Conviction

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New York DWI Third Conviction Three or more alcohol-related convictions in New York State within ten years can result in permanent revocation of a driver’s license. Although waiver requests are permitted after five months of revocation, the Department of Motor Vehicles will be the final determinant in when and whether or not a license can […]

New York DWI: First Conviction

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New York DWI: First Conviction Driving while intoxicated in New York State is no small infraction. If you are stopped by an officer who administers a field sobriety test, then follows up with a chemical test, and the driver is found to have a blood alcohol concentration of at least .08, the driver is bound […]

Fatal Head-On Collision in James Island

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Amy Finch McCormick was charged in a fatal head-on collision last weekend on the connector of James Island. She also has a serious record of driving under the influence, according to authorities. Her out-of-state driver’s license had been suspended for a time after a DUI arrest in 1999, during which she refused to take a […]

New York’s Medical Marijuana Laws and DWAI

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Motorists who live in New York or other states that permit use of medical marijuana with a doctor’s prescription can still be charged with DWAI if the arresting officer, or in New York and other jurisdictions, a Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) has gathered enough evidence that shows the defendant’s ability to operate the motor vehicle […]

Electric Balance Board and DWI Charges?

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Two of the most popular items on Christmas lists across the U.S this year are one-wheel and two-wheel electric balance boards. These recreational skateboard-like products are manufactured by companies like One-Wheel, Hoverboard, iMoto, and even Lexus. Items like these have dominated online retailers, even reaching the number one spot on Amazon’s “Best Seller” list. While […]

Electric Balance Board and DWI Charges?