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“Rosario Material” in DWI Law

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In People v. Rosario, the New York Court of Appeals set forth what has become known as the “Rosario rule.” This rule mandates that in criminal prosecutions, the prosecution must disclose to the defense all of a prosecution witness’ prior recorded statements, so long as they are material to that witness’ testimony. Such recorded statements […]

Blood Tests and DWI’s

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Recently blood tests for DWI cases have made the news. At issue is whether police need a warrant before requiring a DWI suspect to a blood test. U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Missouri v. McNeely that in “drunk-driving investigations, the natural dissipation of alcohol in the bloodstream does not constitute an exigency in every case […]

Ignition Interlock Devices And The Crime Of Circumventing Them

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A drunk driving conviction can continue to affect your life long after you have sobered up. For example, if you are convicted of a DWI (driving while intoxicated) in New York the court can order you to install and operate an ignition interlock device on any car that you own or operate. An ignition interlock […]

Effects on Operating a Vehicle

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Effects on Operating a Vehicle When alcohol is consumed, many of the skills that safe driving requires–such as judgment, concentration, comprehension, coordination, visual acuity, and reaction time–become impaired. Judgment The mental faculties are the first to be affected by drinking. Alcohol levels as low as .02% (well under the legal limit in many states) can […]

DWAIs Explained

DWI Team DWAIs Explained

Not sure what the difference is between a DWAI, DWI, and DUI? Or looking to learn more about what qualifies as a DWAI? Your Syracuse DWI Team has outlined these offenses for you below. With years of experience navigating these complicated charges, they’ve tackled some of the most common questions about DWAIs for your information. […]

Blood Test For Drinking and Driving

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Blood Test For Drinking and Driving Types of Tests: Blood Test Breath Analysis Breathalyzer Human Error/Mechanical Malfunction Prelimary Alcohol Screening Test Urine Test Blood tests taken at a hospital or police station are the most accurate chemical sobriety evaluations used to determine the blood alcohol level of a subject. They are also, unfortunately, the least […]

Blood Test For Drinking and Driving